November 27th, 2013

Today was busy, busy, busy! I woke up much earlier than I expected to and headed straight to the mall to do some returns and tie up some lose ends with my Christmas shopping. I’m getting so close to being done, I can taste it! It feels good to feel ahead of myself, you know? I feel like my productivity has taken on new extremes these past couple of months. I actually think I owe a lot of that to Blogging and YouTube.

A funny story: my friend bought a Yoga mat a couple weeks ago from TJ Maxx and it has some absolutely ridiculous quote on it that contradicts itself and doesn’t even really make sense. But it does have this one line that says “if you don’t have enough time in the day, stop watching TV”, and I honestly feel that to be true. Since blogging regularly, I only watch TV while I’m busy doing my blog or some school work or managing some emails. It’s crazy how much more I get done when I’m doing something I enjoy that is also being productive. TV seems to be a bigger and bigger waste of time to me. I enjoy watching a couple shows but other than that, I just can’t seem to get myself to sit down and watch the television!

Cosmetic Purge

With that being said, last night I was working until the early hours of this morning and got a bunch of editing done. First thing I did this morning was being uploaded. Remember how I mentioned a giant cosmetic purge that I did? (i’m almost sure I blogged about it…) well, I got that video up today! It would mean the absolute world to me if you checked it out (and I would do a happy dance if you subscribed!)

On another note, I hope to get a blog post up tomorrow (if not tomorrow, definitely Friday). I was just thinking while in the shower (you know, standard shower thoughts), that I have so much to be thankful for every year, but every single year it seems that I have more and more to be thankful for. I am excited to make a BIG ole’ post on all the things I’m so incredibly thankful for.

I guess I could start now; I’m thankful for YOU for taking time out of your busy day to read this post. Everytime my views go up, I get so excited that someone out there is reading my thoughts. It’s surreal feeling so connected with the whole world and, virtually, with strangers. But we all share something in common, and it’s a love for blogging! Whether it be reading or writing them, we are all here enjoying each others posts.

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